Sunday, November 1, 2009

Types Of Products

In market Products can be classified according to the consumer products and industrial products.As we know that consumer market product are the product which is purchased to satisfy personal and family needs.Where as industrial product are the products which is for use in an organization or to make other products. So there are different types of product according to the consumer product and industrial products.
Types Of Products
Perishable consumer products are those product which cannot be stored for the long period of time. The time span from production is very short. Marketers have to use few and controlled level of distribution for perishable products. Example of perishable products are green vegetables, fruit, milk and meat.

Non-durable products are those products in market which have relatively longer life than perishable products, but their quality level is reduced if they are stored for long period of time. Non-durable consumer products have short marketing life span as these are consumed by the buyer in a shorter duration. Example of non-duration products are soap, shampoo, cosmetics, bottled or tin packaged food and drinks.

Durable products are those products which have long-lasting characteristics and the consumer uses its benefits for many years.Example of durable products are cars, motors, refrigerators, electric and microwave ovens and many other home appliances.

Consumers buy the necessity products in order to meet their physiological, safety, and social needs.Basic utilities and benefits are attached with the necessity products. Example of necessity products are basic foods items, clothing, furniture, education, entertainment etc.

Consumer buy the luxury product in order to meet their ego and prestige needs.The status, prestige, self-esteem and ego motives influence the purchase of luxury products. Example of luxury products are expensive cars, jewellery, foreign holiday packages, french perfumes, scotch whiskey, etc.

In the high involvement product consumers are highly involved in the information search and evaluation stages of the buying process.Consumers are highly involved when the product is expensive, risky, purchased infrequently and highly self-expensive. in high involvement purchase the consumer has much to learn about product attributes and benefits. For example, a personal computer may be high-involvement product for consumers as they have to find out what is meant by Pentium chip, super- VGA monitor and RAM.

Consumers buy low-involvement products easily without much planning, information search and evaluation. The buying behaviour in low-involvement products is a matter of habit. Consumers have little involvement in the products category, are aware of different brands and their attributes, and do not make detailed comparison between brands. Low-involvement products are generally less expensive, less risky, purchased frequently and not at all self-expressive. example of low-involvement products are a toothpaste, hair combs, tea, coffee etc.

Materials and parts are unprocessed and semi-processed items that will be converted into the final products by a manufacturer. Materials change their form and utility several times while parts will become an actual component of the finished product.Materials are of two categories: Natural Materials and Agricultural Products.
Natural Materials are lying in their natural state such as minerals, oils, and increased by its products of forest and sea.
Agricultural materials are produced through farming, such as rice, wheat, tobacco, sugarcane, fruits, vegetables, milk, wool etc.
Parts do not change their form in course of production.Example of parts are tires, spark plugs, nuts and bolts used in a car, and buttons and zippers for the manufacture of a jacket.

Capital goods are fully manufactured products that are used in the production of other products or for providing services.There are two categories of capital goods -Installations and Equipments.
Installation are generally high priced capital products that have longer lifespan and do not need frequent purchasing.
Equipment helps in the manufacturing process or in course of providing services to customers. They are not used directly in the production process but assist the production activity to run smoothly.

Supplies and Business services are short-lived goods and service. Supplies are of two types: Operating supplies and Maintenance and repair services.
Operating supplies helps in production or in providing services to customers.
Business service include a variety of services required by an organization such as maintenance and repair services (facility maintenance, cleaning, and guarding) and advisory services (legal, management consultancy and advertising).


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